27 APRIL 2023





André Hazel performed live during Koningsdag at De Keizerstraat in Scheveningen. He performed on the streets of Scheveningen while everyone was celebrating King's Day in The Netherlands.



Full Keizerstraat


André Hazel started his performing live at the beginning of Keizerstraat. He continued performing live and finished his performance at De Maatschappij. He also performed alongside Duo van Ossenhaas and the legendary Kees Kingsize at some occasions.



The day ended with a bing!


At the last location of the day, André Hazel had the chance to perform at De Maatschappij and hosting a music Bingo. He performed some songs and people present had to guess the song until they had all the songs on their cards. It was an amazing event and special thanks to the organizers and people who were present. . 




King's Day Keizerstraat

Keizerstraat is the main shopping street of the district of Scheveningen in Den Haag. There are shopping places, bars & restaurants in the area. At close proximity of the most popular beach in The Netherlands
For more information go to:

Den Haag

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